Pictures from my dissertation defence and celebration (10 June, 2019)

Reading time: 1 minute.

First there is a lecture (“Lectio”, 20 min) by the doctoral candidate. In this slide, different solar micro-grid system units in villages in rural India. Battery on the left and cabling on the right.

Solar power production and consumption measured in a micro-grid in rural India. Four different days with different sunshine and power usage profiles.

Frugal thinking is typical in low-income settings, demonstrated by many smart innovations. In this picture a protection innovation for solar micro-grids: a row of nails prohibiting birds from landing on top.

After the lectio, the opponent poses general and detailed questions on the dissertation topics and methods (up to 3.5 hours, we had about 2.5 hours). My opponent prof. Wäckelgård had put all of her questions on presentation slides which made the debate more pleasant also for the audience to follow! Here we discuss the differences in energy balance values in five solar micro-grid installation sites.

Officially the university decides upon the acceptance of the dissertation – but they were aligned with the recommendation of the opponent. :) The dean of the School of Science of Aalto University granted me the degree of a D.Sc. (Tech.) on 20 June, 2019.

Happy faces after the defence, from left to right: opponent Prof. Ewa Wäckelgård, me, and custos and my supervisor Prof. Peter D. Lund.

Pakora (Indian delicacy)

I was delighted to have so many appreciated guests